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GoDaddy SSL Certificates and Comodo ( Cannot Verify Identity

when the full certificate chain bundle is not properly installed in your server
some certificates appear to be INVALID and report errors like

“Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate)”


The problem turns out to be that the server isn’t configured to provide the full issuing
certificate chain all the way back to the root SSL certificate. An intermediate certificate
must be installed in your server.

Failure to install “the intermediate certificate” creates problems in both web browsers
and command line ssl programs that do not already contain that intermediate certificate

There are simple fixes for both:


Get the Certificate Bundle – GoDaddy

wget -O gd_bundle.crt

Get the Certificate Bundle – InstantSSL


Apache users should use the bundle file on the support page instead of
the Comodo and GTE certificate:

If you do not install the bundle file you will receive not trusted messages
when you go to the secure area of your web site.

you can get a list of server bundles to choose from here

The Solution On NGINX
you just need to append the cert bundle onto your existing cert:
$ cd /etc/ssl/certs/
/etc/ssl/certs$ wget
/etc/ssl/certs$ cat gd_bundle.crt >> myssl.crt

The Solution On Apache

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl/*
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/*
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/httpd/ssl/gd_bundle.crt

Checking for the Problem

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

# check the line “Verify return code”:

intermediate certificates may already be installed in these browser versions:

-Internet Explorer 5.01 and higher
-AOL 5 and higher
-Netscape 4.7 and higher
-Opera 7.5 and higher
-Safari on Mac OS X 10.3.4 and higher
-Mozilla (all versions)
-Firefox (all versions)
-Konqueror (all versions
-Palm OS 6.1 and higher (also Treo 650)
-BlackBerry OS 4.1 and higher
-Sony Playstation Portable 2.5 and higher
-Microsoft Windows Mobile 2005 AKU 2 and higher
-Sun Java Runtime (JRE) 1.4.2_07 and higher and 1.5.0_02 and higher
-ACCESS NetFront 3.3 and higher
-Cingular WAP Gateways (any Cingular phone which uses WAP version 1.X for Web browsing)

Checking for the Problem

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

# check the line “Verify return code” against the following list of codes

Certificate Diagnostic Codes (from

0 X509_V_OK: ok

the operation was successful.

2 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT: unable to get issuer certificate

the issuer certificate of a looked up certificate could not be found. This normally means the list of trusted certificates is not complete.

3 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL: unable to get certificate CRL

the CRL of a certificate could not be found.

4 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE: unable to decrypt certificate’s signature

the certificate signature could not be decrypted. This means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value, this is only meaningful for RSA keys.

5 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE: unable to decrypt CRL’s signature

the CRL signature could not be decrypted: this means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value. Unused.

6 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY: unable to decode issuer public key

the public key in the certificate SubjectPublicKeyInfo could not be read.

7 X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE: certificate signature failure

the signature of the certificate is invalid.

8 X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE: CRL signature failure

the signature of the certificate is invalid.

9 X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID: certificate is not yet valid

the certificate is not yet valid: the notBefore date is after the current time.

10 X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED: certificate has expired

the certificate has expired: that is the notAfter date is before the current time.

11 X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID: CRL is not yet valid

the CRL is not yet valid.

12 X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED: CRL has expired

the CRL has expired.

13 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD: format error in certificate’s notBefore field

the certificate notBefore field contains an invalid time.

14 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD: format error in certificate’s notAfter field

the certificate notAfter field contains an invalid time.

15 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD: format error in CRL’s lastUpdate field

the CRL lastUpdate field contains an invalid time.

16 X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD: format error in CRL’s nextUpdate field

the CRL nextUpdate field contains an invalid time.

17 X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM: out of memory

an error occurred trying to allocate memory. This should never happen.

18 X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT: self signed certificate

the passed certificate is self signed and the same certificate cannot be found in the list of trusted certificates.

19 X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN: self signed certificate in certificate chain

the certificate chain could be built up using the untrusted certificates but the root could not be found locally.

20 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY: unable to get local issuer certificate

the issuer certificate could not be found: this occurs if the issuer certificate of an untrusted certificate cannot be found.

21 X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE: unable to verify the first certificate

no signatures could be verified because the chain contains only one certificate and it is not self signed.

22 X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG: certificate chain too long

the certificate chain length is greater than the supplied maximum depth. Unused.

23 X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED: certificate revoked

the certificate has been revoked.

24 X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA: invalid CA certificate

a CA certificate is invalid. Either it is not a CA or its extensions are not consistent with the supplied purpose.

25 X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED: path length constraint exceeded

the basicConstraints pathlength parameter has been exceeded.

26 X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE: unsupported certificate purpose

the supplied certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose.

27 X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED: certificate not trusted

the root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose.

28 X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED: certificate rejected

the root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose.

29 X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH: subject issuer mismatch

the current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set.

30 X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH: authority and subject key identifier mismatch

the current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject key identifier was present and did not match the authority key identifier current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set.

31 X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH: authority and issuer serial number mismatch

the current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate. Only displayed when the -issuer_checks option is set.

32 X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN:key usage does not include certificate signing

the current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its keyUsage extension does not permit certificate signing.

50 X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION: application verification failure

an application specific error. Unused.


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Would your talent be recognized in a crowd?

A good friend of mine sent me an email about perspective – which told the story of Joshua Bell (someone I had never heard of) playing his violin at a Washington DC Metro station as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and people’s

and now you have my attention.

The question at hand was “In a common place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an
unexpected context?”

While the answer seemed to surprise some people – it did not surprise me the answer
was “nearly 42”. Yes Nearly $42 dollars collected by one of the greatest musicians
of our time. who had sold out a theater in Boston where the cheap seats were $100 each.

The Article – “which won a Pulitzer prize” is available at this address, and I
would recommend that you read it, but important details are summarized below.

The a quick summary of the event is as follows:


After 3 minutes: A middle aged man noticed the musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried on

4 minutes: The violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw the money in the hat without stopping and continued to walk.

6 minutes: A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and walked away.

10 minutes: A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The child stopped to look back at the violinist again, but the mother pulled hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head back all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes: The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money, but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour: He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded.

Findings; No one knew this, but:

· The violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world,
· He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written,
· With a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
· Two days before Joshua Bell sold out a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each.


But there is a much more important question – how does this impact you in your day to day life, and in the messaging and branding of you personally and for business?

If one of the greatest and most talented musicians in the world, playing one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with the best tools available, in a crowded subway can not get noticed – what does that say you telling your story?


So lets consider a few things about the experiment:

* every effort was made to not draw attention to external indicators

– There were no guards around a $3.5 million dollar instrument
– There were no ropes to protect the performer (implying he should be there in the first place)
– There were no camera’s taking pictures of the event
– There were no vendors offering to sell pictures
– There were no posters promoting the celebrity
– There were no vendors offering tickets to the symphony

* Here was just another street performer – lost in the noise of other street performers in a metro stop in DC, an all too common occurrence. And he was probably not far from a number of pan handlers asking for spare change.

The placement of the performance caused it to lose value.
The timing of the performance caused it to lose value.
The surroundings of the performance caused it to lose value.

The performance itself was remarkable, but it was lost on the participants who would never give it the time or credit that it deserves, because the performer was not credible by the available clues.

To be honest – if the performance was augmented by different factors – it may have had a very different result. I suspect that a half dozen photographers, and a small seeded crowd around a marked off area with 4 police guards may have caused people to take more notice. But that is because each of those things adds – external validation to the importance of the event. The photographers imply external interest, the police imply need to be guarded, and the marked off area implies consent by the metro authorities. Each one making the entire scenario more noteworthy.

When you are interacting with customers, do you appear to be a street performer, or a recognized talent that needs to be guarded and aided?

If a street performer were able to hire the police guards, photographers, and get permission, would they get more “respect” for their art? What are the external sources of credibility that validate your “appeal” to your potential customers?

What is it about your delivery that makes people want to pay $100 per ticket when passers by on the street will not pay you a dollar? – Finding the answer depends on you, but – to look for it requires understanding of how your target audience perceives value.

I have been finding this with the distribution of my book. I have given free copies of the PDF of Developing A Cash Cow Marketing Plan to friends for years, but it is not until they had made an investment in it that they found the time to read it and get value from it. Are the materials more valuable because you paid for them? Are they more valuable because someone other than me told you that you should read it? Would you believe it more if I has sold out a conference as a keynote speaker? It is amazing as to how we perceive value. If you wish to get into the mind of your customer then learn about who he or she is, and what matters to them by following the steps in my book – at

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What are you doing to make your brand message stick in the minds of your customers?

What are you doing to make your brand message stick in the minds of your customers?

Maybe you will be adding a scent to your brand message soon.

Scents can invoke immediate emotional responses.

Scents can be attached to ideas, feeling, emotions, so why not brands.

Two innovative girls have started a company to design custom scents for retail, corporate environments, public spaces, special events, and private homes.

“Scents could be associated with a destination or experience and be used to trigger strong emotional responses with your customers” says Samantha Goldworm of

Smells are immediately processed by the brain, and invoke association to memories, emotions, and past feelings. When a smell is associated with pleasure, then that state of pleasure is immediately

Their company is called and they are using a technique called “olfactive branding.”

What is olfactive branding?

In the article the wikipedia suggests that purpose of using perfumed product is to entice someone to buy something.

“Perfume compositions are an important part of many industries ranging from the luxury goods sectors, food services industries, to manufacturers of various household chemicals. The purpose of
using perfume or fragrance compositions in these industries is to affect customers through their sense of smell and entice them into purchasing the perfume or perfumed product.

As such there is significant interest in producing a perfume formulation that people will find aesthetically pleasing.”

This is done by mixing “Olfactive families” really groups of different scents that have been combined over time to become the primary base scents used to make your favorite modern day
perfume or cologne.

These families are grouped into a taxonamy of scents like:

Floral, Chypre, Fougere, Leather, Woody, Orientals, Citrus

When mixed together in the right formula – they can form something as unique as a signature that can be immediately recognized and can even stamped or “branded” into a customers memory – like an aroma stamp or invisible logo that can be attached to feelings about a brand, product, service or destination.

The ladies at have not only imagined it, but they have the fashion world taking notice – as a recent fashion show has been “scented” according to an article in Vogue called
“scenting the shows” at

What are you doing to make your brand message stick in the minds of your customers?

Maybe you will be adding a scent to your brand message soon.

I wonder how long it will be before the Smell of Warm Apple Cider and Cinneman make me think of my laptop and iphone?

I am sure that we will be hearing a lot more about

More Links:

Scentsational – 12:29’s Dawn and Samantha Goldworm –

Miami Basel 2009: 6 Things You Need to Know About The Scene This Year (PHOTOS)
look in section 3. Fashion Holds Strong

12.29’s Dawn and Samantha Goldworm, who created a custom scent for Design Miami.


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Engage people in a dialog – in your own voice.

Yes, today I have been liberated. – I am changing my writing style. And, Just this once I will apologize to my high school and college English teachers. But I can no longer sacrifice my unique voice for acceptable sentence structure.

When writing content in email, or on the web, I often find myself fighting with both behavior, grammar and writing styles that I would never use in conversation.

I frequently find myself losing my rhythm and my voice. I struggle with losing my voice to grammar.

I have been writing a book, and instead of focusing on great grammar – while writing it – I chose to write it as if I was having a conversation with the reader – and figured I would leave the good grammar to the experts. I told them the story that I wanted them to hear. When one of my former employees (and friend) read it – he commented “The grammar and sentence structure is horrible, but I heard your voice IN IT as I read it.”

Today, as I write this, that one comment makes me very proud. It is an accomplishment. Here is why.

When reading a chapter from the book “Sound Reporting: The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production” by Jonathan Kern – I discovered a secret to the personal and distinctive style of NPR.

What’s more, I realized that this secret would help me write much better content for the web and in my interpersonal communications.

The NPR Secret is “Talk to THE person who is listening, not just yourself, or the entire audience but “ONE LISTENER”. Engage them in a personal conversation, that makes both of you feel comfortable and rewarded.”

While you may discover problems with your writing that might make your former English teachers have a stroke, they are probably not grading your work any more either. Your content may contain bad grammar, short sentences, or sentences that start with words like “But” or “And”, but often that is how we speak, and how we communicate. The process of converting your message into a personal intimate conversation will help you regain your own unique voice, and connect with your audience.

Because that voice, your voice – for all its faults is personal, and IT MATTERS.

When it comes to sharing your content – it is both your WORDS and your style that tells your story!
It is your words, your phrases, your voice that will make YOUR communication personal.

That personal connection will help you connect with others in new real and personal ways.

I got an email today from someone who called me out on the issue of my sometimes-dry impersonal email that is part of my working style. I had called her yesterday, because she had not acknowledged my last email. After my call she looked for the email at issue, and composed a wonderful email that identified why she had not responded. – I realized that I had completely screwed up. But, I had not sent a letter, I simply forwarded my notes. I had only communicated in my own mental style – I shared only what I had identified as the requested task list, and what I had done about each item on that list.

She pointed out so politely that I had not addressed her in a personal way. I had completely failed to request any action on her part, and had failed to thank her for time in including me in the process. All of these things would have come naturally on the phone or if we were in the same room.

If I had thought about the needs of the recipient, I would not have simply broken her request into a to-do list of action items, and identified which ones had been completed, I would have sent an email back to her letting her know what items I had identified, and what I had done to address each item, and what she should do as the next step in the process. Where had I taken the time to address and respect that PERSON on the other end of the phone?

The web has something in common with this email communication exchange and the radio. The audience matters with every exchange. The needs and expectations of your recipients need to be considered, and addressed.

On the radio there is no rewind, and a listener can join the conversation at any moment. The same is true of the web. Visitors “link or jump” to pages and may not have ever followed your path to this paragraph, this sentence or this idea. But if they are reading it now, they need to have or be able to quickly get context.

On every page, and with every idea, your visitors need to continuously engage in a personal dialog that gives the overall experience value to them. People will hear a voice in their head when they read what you have written. Make that voice YOURS, make it PERSONAL, and make it convincing.

Re-read your content, OUT LOUD! How does it SOUND? How should it make them FEEL? What does it really communicate? Does it speak to the person who is hearing YOUR voice in their head? Does it sound like your are talking AT THEM or TOO THEM? Does it use words they are expecting to hear,
and that you would use with them on the telephone or in person? Does it assume vocabulary? Do you make that vocabulary accessible and explain it to them?

In the process of writing or converting your message into a conversation you can regain your own unique voice and enrich the overall experience for those who share your communications.

The facts are often insufficient to get the job done, people need to be educated, entertained, respected and rewarded for investing their time. If you have not invested in your interactions by using your voice to do all four of those, you and your audience with both lose in the long run.


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RUSH – The New Poker format at Full Tilt is a must experience

Howard Lederer told me that great poker was zen like.

To be a truly great player – you must play –
In this moment, In this hand, and in this decision.

The problem with poker is – THAT IS HARD.

I have tried for years to find that zen poker moment.

Either you watch the hand you just folded – flop a boat; or some steam when you see some idiot knock you off of a hand with nothing.

or you can spend hour after hour folding lousy cards studying your opponents waiting for that perfect read before you pounce only to get run over by a 2 out draw, it is always something.

That was, until – feeling THE RUSH…

the new format poker game at full tilt called the rush has re-energized my excitement for online poker.

It is not simply the speed. It is the entire experience.

Not having to watch a hand that I just folded play out – allows me to focus on my next action.

Howard told me when the hand is over – move on.

THE RUSH doesn’t even let me see the end of that hand any more.

When I fold a hand. I am immediately on to the next one.

There is not even time to make player notes, but that is ok because I will not
be playing in this seat on the next deal, it is new players or at least a new order. It is like the seating is as random as the cards.

If you are looking to improve your over all game, and get into playing one action, and one street at a time – you must try the new format on full tilt called

The Rush.

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Only 5 members of public show up at hearing to spend 25 million dollars!

“The total attendance was 39 to a public hearing to discuss the combined town and school budgets for the town of Litchfield NH totaling nearly 25 Million-Dollars. From a community of nearly 8,700 people, a total of 5 citizens remained after subtracting out those who prepared the budget or were expected to run for office in the next election. Only 5 from a community of nearly 8,700 people.” says George Lambert – Selectman in Litchfield NH

When the members of the community ask where their tax dollars go, and who makes the decisions about how the dollars will be spent, the answer is those who show up to hear the explanation and ask the questions.

On Friday Jan 15th the citizens of Litchfield NH had an opportunity to come out and review the towns almost 25 million-dollar budget. I was thinking that I would like to personally thank all of the citizens that came out and got involved, and I will too – if they will identify themselves. There new not many, in-fact if you were to divide the towns entire spending by those who showed up to the public hearing – who were not part of the budget preparation or presentation process – that number would be 2.5 million dollars each. Yes, for the public review of the towns 25 million dollar budget – there were 10 people who showed up to hear it. There were more than 10 people in the room, there were 39 people who showed up in total. 15 Board Members who prepared and reviewed those budgets. There were 6 budget committee members, 5 school board members, 4 selectmen (one is also on the school board – totaling 5) , 4 other elected officials, 3 other department heads, 3 people representing warrant articles, 2 school officials, 2 cable people to see that the program aired, and my wife (who I think counts as a political insider – since I dragger her to hear the budget) for a total of 30 people.

It almost sounds like a song, 6-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1

My notes have the roll call as follows:

6 Budget Committee Members

5 School Board Members

4 Selectmen plus one who is on the School Board

4 Other Elected Officials

1 Town Clerk
1 Fire Chief
1 Moderator
1 Road Agent

3 Department Heads
1 Police Chief
1 Building Inspector
1 Selectmen’s Assistant

2 School Officials
1 Superintendant
1 School Administrator

2 Cable Employees

2 People Representing Warrant Articles

1 Police Union Rep
1 Ethics Formation Committee Member

2 Recording Secretaries

of the 39 that I saw in the room – 30 of the 39 were there because they were “the usual suspects for running town affairs”.

Of the rest, one was a reporter, another was my wife, 3 were either running or considering running for office. This leaves only “5 citizen taxpayers” to show up to see how their money was being spent.

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“Double the Power and Effectiveness of your EMAIL (4 SECRETS ENCLOSED)”

I read an email blast on writing good subject lines in a recent email.

It made me reflect on how poorly much of the email I receive communicates and how easy it is for people to improve it.


I read the email below from you and realized that it suffered from many of the
classic email blunders.

Here is an example message forwarded to my by you.


From one of my online friends:
I am leaving my current temp gig — it’s mostly designing and coding emails,
with some occasional site design work. good hourly rate. it’s temp now but
going permanent with benefits soon.

they are very good people to work with so I wish to leave them with someone good

are you qualified and interested?

please email me if you are



It starts with virtually no context. (who is this person – who is leaving his temp gig)

He leaves me with so many questions:

Why do I care what he does?
What do I care about his hourly rate?
Why do I care it is a temp gig that might be perm with benefits?
If he is leaving – why does he care about the change of status?

and then the simple message that ties it all together….

“I wish to leave them with someone good”

are you qualified and interested?


SECRET # 2: Tell The Story in an order that makes sense to both the recipient, and whomever they might forward it too.

I receive so many email like this – and I bet the authors have no idea
how many people stop reading them at the second line?

What was this person REALLY TRYING to say ?

(1) I am leaving My job – and looking for My replacement.

(2) I like the people – and want to help them find a qualified candidate

(3) the job is located [somewhere] and a candidate needs to be able too

(4) they will need someone to design and code emails with some
occasional site design work

(5) This is presently a temp position that they are trying to change
to perm with benefits


SECRET # 3: Make the Call to Action CLEAR, EFFECTIVE and ABLE to be DELEGATED

What is it that the sender (YOU) will want to communicate to the recipients (THEM)


What do YOU want THEM to do?

Is the request clean and the process for doing it simple and understandable?

(What is that SINGLE ACTION that you would like them to take?)

SECRET # 4: Make THEM (the recipients of your message) know



The 4 Secrets to Double the Power and Effectiveness of you EMAIL

SECRET # 2: Tell The Story in an order that makes sense to both the recipient, and whomever they might forward it too.
SECRET # 3: Make the Call to Action CLEAR, EFFECTIVE and ABLE to be DELEGATED
SECRET # 4: Make THEM (the recipients of your message) know WHAT YOU WANT, WHY YOU WANT IT, and WHY THEY SHOULD PROVIDE IT

My replacement for the previous Email:


WANTED: someone to design and code emails with some occasional site
design work in [somewhere]

I am leaving My job – and looking for My replacement to be hired by
Oct 18 2009.

I like the people – and want to help them find a qualified candidate.

The job is located [somewhere] and a candidate needs to be able to work [days and hours].

They will need someone to design and code emails with some occasional site design work.

This is presently a temp position that they are trying to change to perm with benefits

If you are interested please contact ( or by phone at (888) 555-1212

If you are not the ideal candidate – please forward this message to potentially interested parties.


George Lambert

George Lambert is the Author of “Developing A Cash Cow Marketing Plan”,
a book dedicated to helping people communicate better messages through their websites.

to learn more about “Developing A Cash Cow Marketing Plan”
or follow DEVELOPCASHCOWS on twitter

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2009, Personal Branding and Susan Boyle

In five days in 2009 an unknown contestant on “Britian’s Got Talent” became an
international phenomenon. Her impressive performance, and the power of social
media allowed her to create a connection with people around the globe.

By the end of 2009 Youtube has counted the “official video” on the UKAdvertChannel
as being shown nearly 36 Million times. Not only did her performance touch the
hearts and minds of her audience, she touched their pocketbooks as well.

Her “personal brand” and story allowed her to have “I Dreamed A Dream: The Susan Boyle Story,” which premiered exclusively on TV Guide Network on Sunday, December 13 became its #1 rated television special in history.

Her album I Dreamed A Dream  has received RIAA-Triple Platinum Certification for shipping over three million units to retailers nationwide. It continues to break records by becoming the biggest selling album released in 2009. That is the fastest anyone has achieved that accomplishment.
I do not think I will forget the first time I saw the video.  She awkwardly stepped on stage.
I saw a train wreck coming.  When Susan said she was 47 – the audience “moaned”.
When asked “what is the dream” she answered “to be a professional singer…” who
is as successful as “Elaine Page”.   In complete disbelief of her aspirations – the music
began – Within 3 seconds of her first note – the faces of the audience completely changed
and a star was born.  The crowd began to scream, the faces of the judges showed shock,
and both the judges and the audience began to clap….. I felt inspired and I was watching

It would not have happened without YouTube and the other rockstars of social media
MySpace, Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. When they all worked together in a feedback
loop that allowed her story to touch the hearts and minds of millions.  She did not
outsell all other records launched in 2009 because she was like everyone else. She
outsold everyone else because her unique mix was totally different.

She was Susan Boyle, and Susan Boyle was UNIQUE! – She did not look the part of a superstar. She did not walk the part of a superstar.  Nor did she have the polish of a superstar.  But she did had something that no one else had,  the determination and talent at 47 years old  to have a dream and pursue it.

That unique combination of awkwardness, opportunity, surprise, and talent were a perfect storm for a viral video. It was the embodiment of a real life Cinderella story that could be shared by anyone who could watch YouTube.

Everyone will not be Susan Boyle, but everyone has the potential to tell their unique story.
There is a real possibility that your unique story will touch the hearts and minds of others
and turn you into a personal brand of your own right.

Take a lesson from Susan Boyle and the power of social networks.  Be yourself.  Tell your story. Surprise them at every turn, and let them turn your story into a viral video.

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Should Al Kaprielian “go social”?

Should Al Kaprielian “go social”?

The simple answer is – unless he is contractually prohibited from doing so, Yes he should!

Sarah Palin “went rouge”…  I want to try to help Al Kaprielian “go social”?

so I started a facebook group to tell him so… join us here.

How can you use emerging technology and an existing personality and turn them into “a social powerhouse?”

This will try to answer a few questions like

I.   Why should Al be going social?
II.  When should Al be going social?
III. How should Al be going social?
IV.  How can Al Monetization going social?
V.   How do we extend existing channel to promote that social powerhouse

I.   Why should Al be going social?

Lets not forget both Popularity,
and a existing following.

Maybe, but really it is because Al is a Celebrity BRAND, and that BRAND has a traction and sticky-ness.

What is “the Weather With Al” BRAND?

I started looking at his wikipedia entry.

Until December 31st 2009,  Al Kaprielian was chief meteorologist for WZMY-TV – in Derry New Hampshire. Kaprielian had been an integral part of the station’s identity since 1983.

When not broadcasting weather information he tours local schools. During these visits, he informs students of science and studying weather. He can also be found at local community events such as the Lowell Folk Festival, the Dracut Scholarship Foundation’s Telethon, and the Derry News Cookie Eating Contest.

His distinctive voice and eccentric mannerisms have translated into a “Kult of Kaprielian.”


So is Al just “that” personality that delivers the weather?

Does Al have some unique ability to predict the weather better than others?

Or is it simply his ability to deliver it with a unique personality and style.

According to the wikipedia entry for “Al Kaprielian” he has been highly recognized.


Al Kaprielian’s Awards and accolades

“Kaprielian is one of New England’s most experienced meteorologists and has won numerous accolades for his accuracy. Kaprielian was awarded “Best Weather Forecaster” in the Nashua Telegraph’s 2004 Reader’s Choice Awards. He has also been voted Best Media Personality and Best Weatherperson in New Hampshire Magazine’s The Very Best of New Hampshire Reader Choice Awards. Kaprielian has been interviewed by both WCVB Channel 5’s “Chronicle” (Boston) and WKXL radio in Concord, NH.”  –


II.  When should Al be going social?

Al should start growing his audience right away.

He should start with – a way to share announcements about

“whats going on with Al”

Al needs to establish a communications channel dialog between himself and his fans. (Something everyone should do anyway!)

These channels needs to be convenient and “Push Oriented”

How about:
* a facebook fan page
* a twitter feed
* a linkedIN Profile
* an email list   (with easy Opt-Out)
* an “Al Cast” Podcast

III. How should Al be going social?

* a twitter feed – the weather with Al Daily Weather
* a Website with local Daily Weather
* a Podcast with the local forecast
* a Videocast with the local forecast
* an iPhone app with the local forecast
* a facebook forecast app
* a forecast RSS Feed

IV.  How can Al Monetization going social?

Monetization is the process of converting or establishing something into legal tender.

Al needs to find a way to Monetize his celebrity brand.

This is a multi-stage process. It is broken into 5 steps

Step 1.
Find an initial sponsor, that will provide initial seed capital for  The first step is

Step 2.
Find a distribution method that creates initial exposure, and value for both the social brand and that sponsor.

Step 3.
increase awareness, and adoption and promotion of the programing to increase the value of the channel

Step 4.
expand the targeting options of the sponsorship to increase the value of the advertising through different channels

Step 5.
reevaluate as the size of the channel increases and the market expands

V.   How do we extend existing channel to promote that social powerhouse

Getting more people to consume the messaging through different channels is critical.

What existing communication channels gain value from partnership with our “Social Powerhouse Brand?”

After considering the target market demographics – “The Weather With Al”  could be both a “New Media Draw” and a “Traditional Media Draw.”

So – How do we get Al Back on Television – and keep him there?


Does the DAILY WEATHER with AL meet the demands of COMMUNITY ACCESS? – I think it does!

Taking a lesson from the advertising model used by programs like “Political Chowder” – what happens when Al inserts advertising into his “Daily Weather Report” available on the internet, and daily community access television.

Every “local weather cast” should include “A Commercial Spot” that promotes the “Social Media Options for the weather with Al.”

— Now the big challenge – Can we get enough interest to Get Al to “Go For IT?”

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Wow – you hijacked my friends googletalk account and you want me to send you money?

A scammer hijacked my friends GoogleTalk Account, and tried to get me to send $450.00 to him via western union.

Except the hijacker did not know any personal information about my friend.

so was unable to answer any questions.

and when I called my friends cell phone, he said he was right here in town, not in London as specified in the CHAT.

If you get a strange request via IM – and it does not sound right…. Challenge it.

the number for FRAUD at western union is:


here is the entire chat.


Jeff: Hi
7:21 PM me: howare u
Jeff: am not too good at the moment
me: sup
7:22 PM Jeff: are you aware that am in London
me: no
whats up
Jeff: came down here for a resort
but unfortunately we got mugged at a gun point.
7:23 PM me: in London
Jeff: all i had was stolen by the muggers
that is why i need your help
me: what do you need
Jeff: my flight leaves in few hours, But having problem sorting hotel bills
7:24 PM me: how much
Jeff: 450 dollar
7:25 PM wondering if you can loan me the cash to get my hotel bill settle and get a cab to the airport
i will def pay you back once am back
me: checking
Jeff: i promise?
me: do you have a # to call to pay bill on my CC?
7:26 PM Jeff: you will be sending it to me through western union to my name and the location i am
did you know any western union outlet that you can send it there to me
7:27 PM me: where is the last place we had lunch?
7:28 PM Jeff: am freaked out right now
are you doubting that i will pay you back once am back
i promise i will pay you
7:29 PM me: either give me your phone number – where I can call your right now – or tell me the last place we had lunch and I will solve your proble.
if you are Jeff – then you will know that.
and I will solve the problem.
Jeff: that mean your are tormenting me
7:30 PM you can only call on me on the hotel manager cell phone
my cell phone as been stolen by the muggers
i only have access to my mail box
7:31 PM i will really appreciate and promise to pay you back once am back
me: you know it is my pleasure to assist you…
Jeff: yes
7:32 PM then why doubting me
me: RML what?
Jeff: I really appreciate you wanting to help,but need you to understand how urgent i need this help.
but i don’t need to go through all these to get help from you
7:33 PM me: sure – where do you need the money wired too?
7:34 PM Jeff: to my name and the location i am
me: great – what is your location right now?
7:35 PM Jeff: London, United Kingdom
me: great.
Where in London, what Hotel?
Jeff: did you know any western union outlet that is near by that you can send it there to me
that is all you need to get it to me
7:36 PM and to my name Jeff Morris
me: Jeff Romney Morris – right?
7:37 PM Jeff: yes
how long will it take you to get it done
i need to get to the airport
quickly before my flight leaves
7:38 PM me: what flight number are you btw?
7:40 PM ?
7:41 PM what is your flight number?
I need to leave for western union.
7:42 PM It is going to take me 45 minutes to get to western union from here.
Jeff: ok
the comp is freezing
7:43 PM me: nothing important
7:44 PM Is Danny Kaye with you?
7:46 PM Jeff: my flight number is Delta 0004
yes Danny is with me
7:47 PM please you need to be fast about it
course our flight will leaves in a few hours
7:49 PM are you there
me: yes.
7:50 PM I am here.
Jeff: are you going now
me: I was putting my coat on to go to western union.
7:51 PM Jeff: ok
am waiting here for you to get back
7:53 PM me: trying to do it on the telephone
7:54 PM Jeff: ok
Delta 0004
me: trying to get western union on the phone – to make a transfer over the phone.
Jeff: ok
7:55 PM how long will that take
7:56 PM ?
7:59 PM ?
8:00 PM are you on it?
8:01 PM me: I am on western union online.
Jeff: ok
8:04 PM how is it now?
8:05 PM me: They are about to give me a MCTN tracking number
Jeff: ok
8:06 PM me: MCTN 18004481492
amount $450.00 + 20 charge
you owe me $470.00
Jeff: ok
8:07 PM me: SENT to Jeff Romney Morris
Jeff: ok
what is the senders name
me: please let me know when you have it
Dick Gozinya
Jeff: ok
thanks alot
8:08 PM me: will I see you for our meeting on Thursday?
Jeff: ok
i will email you once i get it
me: thanks.
8:12 PM Jeff: are you there
me: yes
Im here.
8:13 PM Jeff: the mtcn is not correct
8:14 PM is how many digits

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